Archive | May, 2010

Sunny Days

27 May

   We had beautiful weather today. Decided today was the day…Nolans first time in a swimming pool and Lillis first time..swimming!

  At first..she was totally scared. She kept yelling “hold you, hold you!” And by “you” she means “me”. lol… After 20minutes of slowly detaching her from my body, she started to kick her feet. Then move her arms. By the end of swimming, she would let us hold her tummy and she’d move her body! Even let me lay her on her back so she could float! It was a very successful first swim, for sure. Even Nolan loved swimming!

Eventually, she just wanted to climb up and down the steps. That was something she could control! That was ok, gave me some swim time!



  It was a great swim day. I’m sure…once these sun burns feel better…we’ll be back out again!

wordless wednesday

26 May

Finally warm!

20 May

       Last few days were just…yuck. Rainy, cold, humid. This morning welcomed us with the nice, warm sun…and lasted all day long! I actually was able to open my windows all day again. Hooray! The kiddos got to do their favorite thing…

play on the porch!

Little Missies new favorite thing…”handstands”! This is about as far as she’ll go…but she thinks she is a gymnast, for sure!

   Peanuts favorite face…stinkie-eye!




Warm weather…I hope you’re here to stay!

Thank You Thursday

20 May

It’s been one of those weeks. So just a short and simple list today.

  • Thank you Jesus…for being all I need.
  • Thank you Thursday…you reminded me to always be thankful.